27 February 2015

User friendly date effective association collection

Recently I got a request to provide a function to classify a team (customer specific date effective classification). The goal was to make the process simple and user friendly. My suggested solution was accepted. I want to share it, so probably it can be re-used.

Problem description
Several classifications are defined. Only one classification can be assigned to a team at any given time. The current classification is presented in Teams form. If current classification is not defined then Classification field is empty. The user can simply set new classification by selecting a new value in lookup. If new classification is set, previous classification is made ineffective. Future classification is taken into consideration for new classification validity period. The user can manually update classifications effective dates in Party form.

Steps to reproduce
1. Define classifications
To simplify it - let's assume that "Class1", "Class2", "Class3" are defined
Classification defined for date effective association collection

2. Add "Class1" in Party form for new "Team 1"
Effective (ValidFrom) set equal to (today - 7 days), Expiration (ValidTo) left without changes.
Adding Class1 for new Team1

3. Add "Class3" as future period in Party form for the "Team 1"
Effective (ValidFrom) is equal to (today + 7 days), Expiration (ValidTo) left without changes. Click Yes in dialog and note that Expiration (ValidTo) is updated on "Class1"
Adding Class3 for Team1

Expiration on Class1 is updated for Team1

4. Open "Team 1" and make sure that current classification is "Class1"
Current classification on Team1

5. Set current classification to "Class2" for "Team 1"
Set Class2 as Current classification on Team1

4. Three classifications are defined in Party form
"Class1" valid from (today - 7 days) to (today - 1 day)
"Class2" valid from (today) to (today + 6 days)
"Class3" valid from (today + 7 days) to (max date)
Team1 classifications

Write down all possible periods to design the algorithm.

As for data model 3 tables are required for date effective association collection:
OMTeam - standard table.
ClassificationTable - new table with 2 fields Classification and Description.
TeamClassification - new table with foreign keys Team, Classification and date effectiveness enabled.

As for logic there are 2 main methods:
- when new value is set
- when value is set to empty

When the user sets a new classification value the following should happen:

User friendly date effective algorithm

Full method code is below.

public static void createOrUpdate (RefRecId _team, RefRecId _classification)
    TeamClassification  teamClassificationCurrent, teamClassificationFuture;
    date                currentDate, maximumDate;

    currentDate = systemDateGet();
    maximumDate = maxDate();

    if (_team && _classification)

        // select current record
        select forUpdate teamClassificationCurrent
            where teamClassificationCurrent.Team == _team;

        // case 1. current record exists
        if (teamClassificationCurrent)
            // new association value was defined
            if (teamClassificationCurrent.Classification != _classification)
                // case 1.1 current record ValidFrom is today -> correct value
                if (teamClassificationCurrent.ValidFrom == currentDate)
                // case 1.2 current record ValidFrom is before today -> create new period

                teamClassificationCurrent.Classification = _classification;
        // case 2. no current record
            // create new current record

            teamClassificationCurrent.Team = _team;
            teamClassificationCurrent.Classification = _classification;
            teamClassificationCurrent.ValidFrom = currentDate;

            select validTimeState(currentDate, maximumDate) ValidFrom, RecId from teamClassificationFuture
                order by ValidFrom
                where teamClassificationFuture.Team         == _team
                   && teamClassificationFuture.ValidFrom    > currentDate;

            // case 2.1 future period exists
            if (teamClassificationFuture)
                teamClassificationCurrent.ValidTo = teamClassificationFuture.ValidFrom - 1;
            // case 2.2 no future record
                teamClassificationCurrent.ValidTo = maximumDate;



When the user sets classification to empty value the following logic is used:

public static void deleteOrRemove(RefRecId _team)
    TeamClassification  teamClassificationCurrent;
    date                currentDate;

    currentDate = systemDateGet();


    select forUpdate teamClassificationCurrent
        where teamClassificationCurrent.Team == _team;

    if (teamClassificationCurrent.RecId)
        // case 1. current record ValidFrom is today -> delete record
        if (teamClassificationCurrent.ValidFrom == currentDate)
        // case 2. current record ValidFrom is before today -> set new validity
            teamClassificationCurrent.ValidTo = currentDate - 1;


As for form modifications there are several solutions, however I selected unbound ReferenceGroup control in OMTeam form to display and modify current classification. active and selectionChanged methods on OMTeam datasource must be overwritten as well as modified method on control. Find more details in xpo attached.

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